Complete the Training missions.
Complete Take Control of the Town mission.
Complete Ambush the Convoy mission.
Complete Central Europe Campaign.
Complete Cripple Nazi Support mission.
Complete Destroy the Warship mission.
Complete Storm the Beach mission.
Complete Normandy Campaign.
Complete all missions in Rookie mode.
Complete all mission in Original mode.
Kill 10 enemies using a grenade/bomb.
Complete Eliminate the Sniper mission.
Stun 10 enemies.
Kill 5 enemies in cover mode.
Kill 10 enemies using the knife.
Kill 10 enemies using the Sniper Rifle.
Destroy 5 vehicles using the bazooka.
Burn 5 enemies using the flamethrower.
Kill an enemy using the syringe.
Kill 3 enemies at once using a grenade / bomb.
Strangle an enemy with the piano wire.
Put a dog to sleep.
Complete Protect General O’Donnell mission.
Die 25 times.
Complete a mission without saving or loading.
Complete a mission with less than 5 saves.
Detonate 5 barrels.
Deactivate all the submarine mines in Destroy the Warship mission.
Kill 3 enemies at once using the bazooka.
Kill 5 enemies using the bazooka.
Hide inside a vehicle.
Kill an enemy with a vehicle.
Unlock all the achievements.
Complete Kill the Traitor mission.
Complete Stalingrad Campaign.
Complete Infiltrate the Station mission.
Complete Board the Train mission.
Complete Stop bomb deployment mission.
Complete Get to the Engine mission.