Reached level 5
Completed the game
Showed THE Armagear hacker who's boss
Helped an old man off the street
Didn't leave anyone behind
Rescued Shen
Found Soto
Bested a war machine
Exposed Crash's identity to the world
Performed 20 Takedowns in a single playthrough
Performed a headshot
Successfully used the Convince option in a dialog
Picked 10 locks
Neutralized the TruBody gang
Reached level 10
Reached level 15
Acquired the laser gun
Installed 7 implants
Maximized a Major skill to level 6
Upgraded a software to its maximum level
Sold all the antiques to Hank
Opened the safe in the Aphrodite
Opened the safe on the Eclipse
Met the new BiofarmTech receptionist