Obtain all the Let's Sing 2016 trophies
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Get over 120,000 points
Get 'PERFECT' only for the parts of a song with no lyrics in By Heart mode
Get 10 'PERFECT' in a row in Expert mode
Finish a song in Elimination mode
Finish 5 songs without the vocals
Finish a song in Expert mode without the vocals
Start Elimination mode
Finish a song in 20,000! mode in under 60 seconds
Start 20,000! mode
Unlock all the game modes for all songs
Finish 150 songs
Unlock all the game modes for a song
Get over 100,000 points
Start Expert mode
Accumulate 500 VoxPoints
Finish 90 songs
Finish with a similar score to your partner in Duet mode
Start Duet mode
Get over 80,000 points
Sing all the songs
Accumulate 100 VoxPoints
Get 500 'PERFECT'
Finish 40 songs
Accumulate 50 VoxPoints
Finish 15 songs in a session
Start By Heart mode
Get between 50,000 and 51,000 points
Sing 5 songs in a row released after 2013
Pass the mic 30 times in Pass the mic mode
Sing 3 songs in a row from before 2008
Get a score inferior to one point
Hit all the golden notes in a song
Finish a song
Start Pass the mic mode
Browse through the song covers 3 times in less than 20 seconds
Listen to 10 songs in a row in Jukebox mode