Throw 10,000 jabs
Throw 10,000 hooks
Win a fight by an injury stoppage
Win a fight by knockout on the final round (8+ rounds)
Survive a dazed state by the skin of your teeth (Round end)
Win a fight after getting knocked down 5 times
Have your 50th online fight
Get yourself a win-streak of 5 online matches
Get a Knockdown with an illegal shot
Win one prize fight
Win a fight after having sustained a bad cut (8+ rounds played)
Finish a fight with 66% or higher accuracy (with at least 30 punches)
Win an 8+ round fight that has George Groves vs Carl Froch
Knock out any AI opponent on pro difficulty or greater in less than a minute
Lose a fight due to fouls/ref stoppage
Break an opponent’s win-streak of 3 or more matches in online ranked matches
Participate in an online fight for the first time
Win an 8+ round fight that has Joe Frazier vs Muhammad Ali
Finish an 8+ round fight by winning every round
Throw 10,000 uppercuts
Have your 10th online fight
Customise your playercard
Win your first online fight