Make first kill
Make 150 kills
Earned S Rank 50 times
Earned S Rank 100 times
20 levels dead-free
20 levels killing everyone
Kill 10 times with a mine
Blow up three of them
Kill 15 times with a trap
20 kills by shuriken
Blow up 10 barrels of shuriken
Shut down 10 robots
Make 200 kills
Lock the door 5 times
Turn off the portal 5 times
Make 3 kills combo
Make 6 kills combo
5 Killings in smoke
Has opened all the skins
Passed through 100 levels
Use Teleport 5 times
Use harpoon 5 times
Use the 'Fast blade'
Kill the hunter
'Fast blade' triple kill
5 Killings in shadow
Kill 10 hunters
The robot has been destroyed
10 robots destroyed
Destroy 10 machine guns
Kill an enemy by C4
Earned S Rank 10 times
Break 20 boxes
Make 3 combo
Make 5 combo
Make 6 combo
Turn off the rocket
Find the secret
Find all the secrets
Make 50 kills
Make 100 kills