Third time's a charm.
Light speed is too slow!
Have Helium - Will Travel
Animals don't belong in cages.
So that's why you don't wash your dirty laundry in public?
Mirror mirror on the wall...
Doors - useful AND sexy.
The old switcheroo.
I think that robot fluffed into my coffee.
Disco ain't dead!
Enjoy your fall.
Aka. How to die a thousand Deaths
When shall we three meet again?
Three of a kind beats king high.
I'll show you mine if you show me yours.
Self-sacrifices and bla.
I'd be an amazing dad!
Wait, who's that? - Itsameeeea!
Pirates have feelings, too.
Which place do I stick it in... ?
He's just no fun person to hang out with.
Elysium in hand's reach...
At least I got the lyrics right.
The hardest part is letting go.
Didn't feel a thing.
Tell it to the marines!
Admit it: That was dumb luck!
I didn't mean to wind her up.
Knock-knock. Who's there? Rufus. Rufus who? Rufus on fire!
What has been seen cannot be unseen.
Never pay more than 20 bucks for a computer game.
So what? It's the only peep-show in town.
Does this smell like chloroform?
Don't turn around! The Kommissar is out!
Cut my life into pieces.
Vampire me, Vampire you. Platy-poo.
The darkest Room Escape Game ever.
Throw me something, Mister!
Not that I actually need it.
15 minutes of fame.
Where's the fume extractor hood?
They seemed a bit bitey.
Little pieces of heaven down in the gutter.
1st RULE: You do not talk about FIGHT CLUB.
I knew it: I'm surrounded by assholes.
You jump, I jump ... not!
High fashion - low fashion - high fashion - low fashion.
You can't make an omelette without breaking some eggs.
He'll get around somehow.
Picking at fresh wounds.