Completed a successful ambush
Completed a Rumor
Caused an enemy to die in a vehicle explosion
Completed the tactical tutorial
Overthrown the aliens at any difficulty level
Killed 3 enemies in a single turn, with a single soldier, without explosives
Created the Commander's Avatar
Completed the Avatar Autopsy
Recovered the Psi Gate
Built a facility in every Avenger slot
Gotten all of the continent bonuses available in a single campaign
Built a radio relay on every continent
Caused an enemy to fall to its death
Hacked a Sectopod
Killed 500 aliens
Completely upgraded a beam weapon with superior grade weapon upgrades
Killed a Sectopod on the same turn you encountered it (in Single Player)
Recovered the Forge Item
Killed an Avatar
Evacuated a soldier whose bleed-out timer was still running
Sabotaged an alien facility
Built the Shadow Chamber
Built Resistance Comms
Beat a Retaliation mission with 3 or less civilian deaths
Upgraded a facility
Sold goods worth 1000 supplies to the Black Market
Recovered the Blacksite Data
Recovered a Codex Brain
Skulljacked an ADVENT Officer
Killed a Viper who was strangling a squadmate
Built an experimental item in the Proving Grounds
Made contact with a region
Applied a PCS upgrade to a soldier
Killed an enemy with a hacked turret
Earned a second tier hack reward
Upgraded a weapon
Killed a Sectoid who was mind controlling a squadmate
Overthrown the aliens on Commander difficulty
Overthrown the aliens on Legend difficulty
Killed a Berserker in melee combat
Beat the game on Commander+ difficulty by July 1st
Beat the final mission using only conventional gear
Beat the game on Commander+ difficulty without buying a Squad Size upgrade
Beat the game on Commander+ without losing a soldier
Played in a multiplayer match
Beat a mission on Commander+ with a squad of soldiers only of the same class (but not Rookie)
Killed an enemy with every heavy weapon in the game
Won a mission in June or later using only Rookies
Skulljacked each different type of ADVENT soldier
Beat the game on Commander+ difficulty in Ironman mode
Investigated the Abandoned Research Facility
Killed the Viper Ruler
Killed the Berserker Ruler
Killed the Archon Ruler
Killed all three alien rulers in a single game
Purchased all of the final tier hunter weapons
Killed an alien ruler the first time you encountered it
Used all ruler armor abilities in a single mission
Used a ruler armor ability against an alien ruler
Killed an alien ruler while it attempted to escape
Beat the Lost Towers mission
Promoted a SPARK unit to Champion rank
Completed a mission with three or more SPARK units in the squad
Defeated an Avatar with a SPARK unit
A SPARK unit survived a mission it started with less than half health
Outfited a SPARK unit with the highest tier weaponry and armor
Hit three shots on a single turn with a SPARK unit after using its Overdrive ability
Defeated a robotic enemy with a SPARK unit
Built a SPARK unit
Killed an enemy primed Derelict MEC before it can self-destruct
Completed the Lost and Abandoned mission
Permanently defeated one of the Chosen
Got 15 Headshots against Lost in a single turn
Got four kills from Shadow mode with a Reaper in a single mission
Raised a Templar to maximum Focus level, spend it all, and reach the max again in a single mission
Performed three offensive actions against the same target with a Skirmisher in a single turn
Formed a level 3 bond between two soldiers
Completed a mission with all Tired soldiers and no casualties
Raised XCOM's influence with all three factions to High in a single game
Rescued a soldier who was captured by the Chosen