Unlock a single retro warp zone
Complete 5 retro warp zones
Unlock the Head Crab (10 bandages)
Unlock the Machinarium Robot (30 bandages)
Unlock CommanderVideo
Unlock Jill
Complete the Forest without dying
Complete the Hospital without dying
Complete the Salt Factory without dying
Complete Hell without dying
Complete the Rapture without dying
Complete The End without dying
Complete the Cotton Alley without dying
Complete 10 retro warp zones
Complete all retro warp zones
Beat the light world
Beat the dark world
100% the game
Complete the light world of the Cotton Alley
Complete the dark world of the Cotton Alley
Unlock Naija (50 bandages)
Unlock Mr. Minecraft (100 bandages)
Unlock RunMan (70 bandages)
Unlock Captain Viridian (90 bandages)
Unlock Ogmo
Unlock Flywrench
Unlock the Kid
You just changed the world!
Complete the Forest Dark World without dying
Complete the Hospital Dark World without dying
Complete the Salt Factory Dark World without dying
Complete the Hell Dark World without dying.
Complete the Rapture Dark World without dying
Complete The End Dark World without dying
Complete The Cotton Alley Dark World without dying
Spend as little time as possible in Hell
Spend as little time as possible in The Forest
Spend as little time as possible in The Salt Factory
Spend as little time as possible in The Rapture
Spend as little time as possible in The Hospital
Complete a single level of "The Kids Xmas" chapter in super meat world
Complete all levels in "The Kids Xmas" chapter in super meat world IN ONE PLAY SESSION.