Mastered Trails to Azure and earned every achievement.
Won a chain of three consecutive battles.
Caught all fish.
Opened every treasure chest.
Achieved 100 victories in battle.
Achieved 500 victories in battle.
Won a battle with a tactical bonus of ×4.00 or more.
Activated Burst 50 times.
Canceled 100 enemy arts or crafts.
Learned how to use the Enigma II.
Completed the game on hard or nightmare difficulty.
Completed the game on nightmare difficulty.
Defeated 8 enemies at once.
Defeated 16 enemies in a single battle.
Raised Lloyd, Elie, Tio, and Randy to level 120.
Had one million mira or more.
Achieved 100 pre-emptive attacks.
Played for over 100 hours.
Used 100 S-Breaks.