Pay off your first loan
Pay off the second loan
Pay off the third loan
Have £10,000
Have £1,000,000
Train an executive's Fisticuffs to 50
Train an executive's Fisticuffs to 1,000
Train an executive's Moustache to 50
Train an executive's Moustache to 1,000
Have 100 employees
Have 1,000 Gold
Have 10 Kingsmen
Train 100 total Kingsmen
Defeat 6 Rival companies
Defeat 100 total rival companies
Start 3 Companies
Start 8 Companies
Start a company in 12 different industries
Hire 3 executives
Have 4 executives on your board
Have 5 Executives on one building
Have 12 Executives in one Company
Travel 10 times
Travel 50 times
Purchase all travel destinations
Go on your first date
Have a level 2 relationship with 3 Executives
Reach maximum relationship with an executive
Max out 12 Executive relationships
Have 10 Assets at once
Defeat your Rival
Defeat your Rival 3 times
Reclaim your family's honor
Pay off your fourth loan
Pay off your fifth loan
Unlock a Friendship for every Executive
Upgrade 30 assets
Pay 420k in taxes
Bring your taxes to zero
Banish 69 spirits
Drain an executive's fisticuffs to zero
Pay off 10 loans in one run
Defeat a rival with every trait
Witness the ending
Witness the true ending