Gain a Level up
Reach Level 10
Reach Level 20
Reach Level 30
Reach Level 40
Spend a Talent Point in one of the talent trees.
Spend 31 points in a single talent tree.
Spend 50 hours playing Eldevin.
Spend 250 hours playing Eldevin.
Equip one item in every equipment slot.
Equip an item in every vanity slot.
Defeated all bosses inside the Othalo Guardhouse.
Defeated all bosses inside The Boondocks.
Defeated all bosses inside The Vault.
Defeated all bosses inside Ohdar Scar.
Defeated all bosses inside Garai Coliseum.
Defeated all bosses in Secluded Valley.
Defeated all bosses in Temple of the Three.
Defeated all bosses in Terenul Rosu.
Defeated all bosses in Bochdaen Tombs.
Defeated all bosses in Rumble's Grotto.
Gain level 10 in all 14 different professions.
Gain level 30 in all 14 diffferent professions.
Explore the 5 main world areas.
Complete all 3 Eldevin Coin achievements.
Harvest 10000 items from the Wilderness.
Get 10000 Player Kills in the Wilderness.
Compete in a "Trial of the Champions".
Attempt a total of 500 waves in "Trial of the Champions".
Defeated an enemy in PvP combat.
Be part of the Winning team in a PvP Battleground.
Complete 2000 PvP Battlegrounds.