Complete Level 1
Complete Level 2
Complete Level 3
Kill your first Charger enemy
Kill your first Laser enemy
Kill your first Spawner enemy
Kill your first Ranged enemy
Kill your first Fly Ranged enemy
Kill 3 enemies with a melee attack
Kill 2 enemies with focus time
Take your first upgrade
Enhance your life for the first time
Enhance your ammunition for the first time
Enhace your life to the maximum
Enhance your ammunition to the maximum
Jump 1 time with the jumping platform
Resurrect at a checkpoint for the first time
Falling into the void for the first time
Kill the Charger enemy without being touched
Get all the achievements
Kill an enemy by hitting him only in the weak point
Complete all the game
Kill 50 putties in a single game
Execute 29 finishers in a single game
Kill 3 enemies with 3 finishers in 3 seconds