You used Gandalf 100 times to defeat a Boss
You completed "The Shadow's Reach" and "Shadows of Mirkwood" with 6 different Heroes
You completed 1,000 Quests
You dealt 100,000 damage to Enemies
You spent 10,000 Resources
You completed "The Shadow's Reach" with 6 different Heroes
You defeated 5,000 Creatures
You defeated 1,000 Creatures
You completed 10 Quests with Aragorn, Gimli, and Legolas
You completed "The Shadow's Reach" Campaign
You drawn 1,000 cards during gameplay (after initial setup)
You completed a Quest without attacking an Enemy
You drawn 50 cards during gameplay
You traveled 1,000 times
You traveled 50 times
You defeated all Enemies 100 times before traveling
You left at least 1 Enemy 100 times when traveling
You made 9 custom decks
You completed 100 Quests without playing an Ally
You completed 10 Quests without playing an Ally
You spent 1,000 Resources
You spent 100 Resources
You completed 500 Quests without playing an Ally
You ended 1,000 rounds with at least 1 Resource
You ended 100 rounds with at least 1 Resource
You used a Power 1,000 times
You used a Power 25 times
You completed 100 Quests in which you play the Gandalf Ally card
You completed 50 Quests with no Heroes defeated
You completed 50 Quests with 1 Hero defeated
You completed 50 Quests with 2 Heroes defeated
You completed 10 Quests with no Heroes defeated
You completed 10 Quests with 1 Hero defeated
You completed 10 Quests with 2 Heroes defeated
You resolved 1,000 Objectives
You resolved 25 Objectives
You dealt 10,000 damage to Enemies
You dealt 100 damage to Enemies
You defeated 5,000 Spiders
You defeated 1,000 Spiders
You defeated 5,000 Orcs
You defeated 1,000 Orcs
You completed 100 Quests
You completed 1 Quest
You completed 100 Quests with no Heroes defeated
You completed 100 Quests with 1 Hero defeated
You completed 100 Quests with 2 Heroes defeated
You traveled 5,000 times