Earn your first achievement.
Finished the tutorial
Answered 'No' to a Popup Confirmation
Discover 10 recipes
Discver 50 recipes
Discover 100 recipes
Make 100 gold from selling items
Make 1,000 gold from selling items
Make 10,000 gold from selling items
Make 100,000 triads from selling items
Craft 10 recipes
Craft 50 recipes
Craft 100 recipes
Craft 1000 recipes
Create Green Pills
Create Blue Pills
Create Red Pills
Create White Pills
Create Rainbow Pills
Make 10 fire boomers
Failing the same attempt at a recipe more than once
Fail at trying the same recipe multiple times
Fail at trying the same recipe more than ten times
Kill a boss without using a weapon
Kill all rats before defeating Gigantuar.
Didn't let him teleport.
Kill Spark
Kill Spark on Hard difficulty
Destroy major earth elementals
Destroy gobbos
Kill cubes
Blow up 100 bad guys
Blow up 500 bad guys
Blow up 1000 bad guys
Blow up 10000 bad guys
Breast cancer awareness ribbon.
Equip a cube pet
Equip entire Big Blue set.
Equip entire Oceanic set.
Wear all pieces of Dread Knot armor set
Unlock all equipment slots
Fill all 9 equipment slots.
Lose to a boss while unprepared.
Die to Spark
Fail to craft an item.
Get defeated 5 times
Get defeated 10 times
Get defeated 25 times
Reset a board
Play the same dungeon in a row
5 capsules swallowed by environment.
100 capsules swallowed by environment
Beat 5 dungeons in a row with no failures
Find 20 bestiary cards
Find 50 bestiary cards
Find all bestiary cards
Take 100 screenshots.