Collect all other Trophies
Save your first customised livery
Jump 50m distance in a single jump
Drive 1,000 miles
Complete 10 clean laps
Earn a total of $1,000,000
Build and test your first Playground
Rate a Playground
Complete the Superstar Finale of the Career
Complete every Career Event
Customise and save your player card
Reach level 50, becoming a Superstar
Earn all 75 Stamps available in Energy
Beat Bulldozer
Complete the "Flying Lap" and the "Sprint Spiral" Sprint events
Drive 30 miles in the Porsche Taycan
Complete the "Wheelspin" Gate Crasher Event
Earn all 75 Medals available in Uproar
Gain first place in one of the Main Events of Uproar
Complete "Absolutely Smashing" Smash Attack event
Drive 30 miles in the Duke Coupe Off Road Mod
Complete one of every type of Career Event
Win a Multi-Class race in career
Earn all 81 Stamps available in Super Size Career
Gain 3 Stamps in one of the Main Events of Super Size Career
Complete the "Rising Tide" and the "Surf n Turf" Brazil Land Rush events
Drive 30 miles in the Bentley Continental GT Ice Race Car
Complete "Race Oddity" Gate Crasher Event
Earn all 75 Stamps available in the Wild Spirits Career
Gain 3 Stamps in one of the Main Events of the Wild Spirits Career
Complete the "Todra Trials" and the "Tinghir Tour" Morocco Stampede events
Drive 30 miles in the Prodrive Hunter
Score 30,000 or higher in a Career Gymkhana event
Complete "The Buy-In" Smash Attack event
Complete Chapter 1