Complete a mission, contract, or stronghold with an uncommon javelin rarity.
Collect all Trophies.
Complete all Bastion Collectibles challenges.
Complete a mission, contract, or stronghold with a rare javelin rarity.
Complete a mission, contract, or stronghold with an epic javelin rarity.
Complete a mission, contract, or stronghold with a masterwork javelin rarity.
Complete 3 Assault Rifle I Challenges
Complete 3 Light Machine Gun I Challenges
Complete 3 Marksman Rifle I Challenges
Complete 3 Machine Pistol I Challenges
Complete 3 Heavy Pistol I Challenges
Complete 3 Shotgun I Challenges
Complete 3 Sniper Rifle I Challenges
Complete 3 Autocannon I Challenges
Complete 3 Grenade Launcher I Challenges
Complete 12 Ranger Gear I Challenges
Complete 12 Colossus Gear I Challenges
Complete 12 Storm Gear I Challenges
Complete 12 Interceptor Gear I Challenges
Discover all districts, landmarks, and hidden places in High Road.
Discover all districts, landmarks, and hidden places in Academy Ruins.
Discover all districts, landmarks, and hidden places in Monument Watch.
Discover all districts, landmarks, and hidden places in Fortress of Dawn.
Discover all districts, landmarks, and hidden places in Ruins of Shadowmark.
Discover all districts, landmarks, and hidden places in Valley of Tarsis.
Discover all districts, landmarks, and hidden places in Great Falls Canyon.
Discover all districts, landmarks, and hidden places in Emerald Abyss.
Discover all districts, landmarks, and hidden places in East Gate.
Discover all districts, landmarks, and hidden places in Eastern Reach.
Complete tasks to aid the Freelancer cause.
Complete tasks to aid the Arcanist cause.
Complete tasks to aid the Sentinel cause.