Spend at least a minute considering the next move
Use Fix to correct a mistake
Use Fix to correct 8 mistakes at the same time
Solve 50 puzzles
Fill in a gap to make the word IDEAL
Fill in a gap to make the word SHORE
Fill in a gap to make the word VITAL
Fill in a gap to make the word CENTS
Fill in a gap to make the word SWEET
Fill in a gap to make the word BASIS
Fill in a gap to make the word AFOOT
Fill in a gap to make the word OMENS
Fill in a gap to make the word POWER
Fill in a gap to make the word TREND
Fill in a gap to make the word STYLE
Fill in a gap to make the word QUITE
Fill in a gap to make the word DREAM
Fill in a gap to make the word WRITE
Fill in a gap to make the word SUPER
Solve a puzzle with seven gaps
Solve a puzzle with five gaps
Fill in a gap to make the word PIXEL
Solve the first puzzle
Solve a puzzle in under 60 seconds
Solve a puzzle without making a single mistake
Solve a puzzle with six gaps
Solve a puzzle with eight gaps
Solve the last puzzle
Reset a puzzle back to the beginning
Fill in all the gaps in a puzzle incorrectly