Shoot another person (don't do this in real life)
Make at least 20 fireworks blow up on the ground at once
Light a groundsalute with at least 200g of flash
Light 25 flares at the same time
Light at least 60 Singleshots in 15 seconds
Launch a rocket barrage with at least 40 rockets
Connect at least 20 fireworks with the fusing system
Shoot 5 shells of the biggest caliber at once
Get a tinnitus
Make a save which has at least 1250 objects
Make a save which has at least 2500 objects
Make a save which has at least 500 objects
Finish the tutorial
Blow up a shell on the ground
Join a singleplayer or multiplayer game for the first time
Use at least 100 cakes in a show
Be in the same lobby as s1nn3r
Join a server with at least 10 people in it
Light at least 100,000 fireworks