Complete all the main quests.
Earn 100,000 Paw Pennies.
Purchase Immortal Sword.
Purchase Falcon Eye Bow.
Craft Cursed Bow.
Craft a wing accessory.
Defeat Chompy.
Defeat Crystal Guardian.
Defeat Dracuffy.
Defeat Freddy o'Lantern.
Defeat Giant Turtle Soldier.
Defeat Greed.
Defeat King Cobra.
Defeat King Gooey.
Defeat Orc Warrior.
Defeat Snowmonster.
Defeat Wicked Shroom.
Repair the broken bridge.
Defeat a total of 3,000 enemies.
Craft a piece of armor.
Complete all the side quests.
Craft Metal Alloy Armor.
Unlock all inventory spaces.
Defeat the final boss.
Craft a piece of headgear.
Learn all magic skills.
Earn 10,000 Paw Pennies.
Earn 50,000 Paw Pennies.
Open the tunnel.
Learn all bow skills.
Learn all sword skills.
Find the ancient relics.
Defeat an old friend.
Defeat a total of 1,000 enemies.
Craft Sniper Suit.
Craft Holy Sword.
Complete the first quest.
Unlock shish kabob.
Learn the Fireball skill.
Exchange a pearl for a pumpkin.
Unlock pumpkin seeds.