Spend 50,000 in cash.
Upgrade your weapons 35 times!
Upgrade your weapons 20 times!
Upgrade your weapons 5 times!
Change your weapon skin 10 times!
You killed the boss 15 times!
You have completed 200 levels!
Destroy 5 helicopters
150 games without losing your health!
Destroy 5 cars.
Kill 2 opponents who are in the vehicle!
300 kills with sniper rifle!
You have completed 100 levels!
You killed the boss 5 times!
200 kills with sniper rifle!
60 games without losing your health!
Destroy the drone with diamonds!
You have completed 30 levels!
50 kills with sniper rifle!
You have killed the first boss!
You have killed more than 1 enemy at a time!
10 games without losing your health!
Killing by headshot!
Run the hydrant 15 times
Your first death!