The player has unlocked the first tournament.
The player has made at least 5 Gold-level performances.
The player has completely destroyed the motorcycle and broken every single bone in a single crash.
The player has completed all hard tracks.
The player has unlocked every track in the game.
The player has completed the Ultimate Endurance tournament without any faults.
Skyrocketing in Stock Market is only temporary. Be prepared for the fall and the big bang.
The Player has completed all Extreme tracks.
Which box to choose and when to bailout?
Catch a ride and surf on top of a lowrider in Dangerous Ride. Can you go the distance?
Bounce 5 trampolines in succession in Skyway to reach new heights.
The player has completed 'Barrel of Laughs' faultlessly using the Micro Donkey bike.
Used a jetpack to sneak into the Secret Base undetected.
The player has completed all of the Big Thrills tracks.
The player has saved his/her first custom track.
The player has completed Groundhog Returns faultlessly without changing the rider's posture.
The player has completed Container Rush without releasing the throttle even for an instant.
Get a strike in a midnight bowling event.