Created a custom puzzle and exported it.
Completed 10 Easy puzzles in Classic Jigsaw.
Played your first Daily Challenge.
Unlocked a puzzle in Classic Jigsaw.
Completed a puzzle in Classic Jigsaw at Expert difficulty in less than 60 minutes.
Completed Jigsaw Jam Pack 2-6 without breaking an Accuracy Chain.
Got 3 stars in every pack of the first two Jigsaw Jam collections.
Completed a Jigsaw Jam pack with 3 minutes or more to spare on the clock.
Achieved a score of more than 50,000 in a single Jam Pack.
Won 12 bronze Daily Challenge badges.
Won 10 silver Daily Challenge badges.
Completed an Expert Classic Jigsaw puzzle by finishing the interior before attaching any edge pieces
Completed 25 Expert puzzles in Classic Jigsaw.
Completed two Collections in Jigsaw Jam.
Completed the first pack of Jigsaw Jam.
Won 8 gold Daily Challenge badges.
Completed 15 Medium puzzles in Classic Jigsaw.
Completed 20 Hard puzzles in Classic Jigsaw.
Earned all four difficulty stars on any 10 Classic Jigsaw puzzles.
Unlocked all of the puzzles in the Food Collection.