Score a healing or damage assist on 15 enemies without dying with the Rukkatrukk Squigbuggy.
Deliver the bomb.
Travel 1km.
Travel 100km with any vehicle.
Get hit by 1,000 bullets with any vehicles.
Reach a speed of 200kph with any vehicle.
Score 10 kills or assists without dying with the Boomdakka Snazzwagon.
Activate Billowing Smoke with less than half health 35 times.
Ignite 2 or more enemies with a single Burna Bottle 200 times.
Complete all Boomdakka Snazzwagon challenges.
Score 10 kills or assists without dying with the Deffkilla Wartrike.
Hit 2 or more enemies with a single Klaw swing 100 times.
Kill 75 enemies who have dealt no damage to you with the Deffkilla Wartrike.
Complete all Deffkilla Wartrike challenges.
Play a game with a party.
Travel 1000km.
Travel 10,000km.
Use the "WAAAGH!" quick chat.
Fire 100,000 bullets or other projectiles.
Fire 500,000 bullets or other projectiles.
Fire 1,000,000 bullets or other projectiles.
Score 100 krumps.
Score 1,000 krumps.
Score 10,000 krumps.
Damage 2 or more enemies with a single Plow hit 25 times.
Score a kill or assist on an enemy who has damaged a friendly Squigbuggy in the last 10 seconds 75 times with the Grot Mega Tank.
Take 1,000 damage without dying with the Grot Mega Tank.
Complete all Grot Mega Tank challenges.
Score 10 kills or assists without dying with the Kustom Boosta Blasta.
Score 15 kills while you are in the air with the Kustom Boosta Blasta.
Hit an enemy greater than 50 meters away with a thrown Stikkbomb 30 times.
Complete all Kustom Boost Blasta challenges.
Hit an enemy greater than 150 meters away with a Kannon shot 100 times.
Direct hit and kill an airborne opponent with the Grot Bomm.
Hit 5 Kannon shots in a row 30 times.
Complete all Looted Wagon challenges.
Repair 10,000 damage on teammates driving heavy vehicles with the Rukkatrukk Squigbuggy.
Repair 15,000 damage on teammates with less than 50% health with the Rukkatrukk Squigbuggy.
Complete all Rukkatrukk Squigbuggy challenges.
Reach a capture point first in Deff Rally mode.
Place 1st in the end of match race.
Score 10 kills or assists without dying with the Shokkjump Dragsta.
Hit an enemy greater than 100 meters away with the Shokk Rifle 250 times.
Travel over 150 meters in a single jump with the Shokkjump Dragsta.
Complete all Shokkjump Dragsta challenges.