Reach personal level 25
Reach personal level 50
Reach personal level 75
Reach personal level 100
Gain 10k co-op XP with a player
Gain 50k co-op XP with a player
Gain 100k co-op XP with a player
Gain 250k co-op XP with a player
Make 100 headshots
Reach 500 kills
Kill 10 enemies as a squad NCO in 1 match
Make a triple kill with explosives/grenades
Join a friend
Kill an enemy from over 100 meters
Make 10 melee kills
Kill an enemy player while you are dead
Check out the credits screen
Play together with the same friend 50 times
Play together with the same friend 100 times
Play together with the same friend 250 times
Unlock all specializations for the Poilus
Unlock all specializations for the Landsers
Unlock all specializations for the Chasseurs
Unlock all specializations for the Alpenjäger
Unlock all specializations for the Canadians
Unlock all specializations for the Tommies
Unlock all specializations for the Stoßtrupp
Receive a total of 100 gold medals
Receive a total of 100 silver medals
Receive a total of 100 bronze medals
Receive all gold medals
Receive all gold medals 10x
Receive all silver medals
Receive all silver medals 10x
Receive the gold medal "Longest killstreak" 10 times
Receive the gold medal "Most headshots" 10 times
Receive the gold medal "Most kills" 10 times
Survive a full Frontlines match without dying.
Receive the gold medal "Best Kill/Death ratio over 10 kills" 10 times
Receive the gold medal "Best squad of match" 10 times
Receive the gold medal "Best advancing squad" 10 times
Receive the gold medal "Best defence squad" 10 times
Receive the gold medal "Best player" 10 times
Receive the gold medal "Most shots & none missed" 10 times
In a Frontlines match headshot 5 enemies in a row without dying.
Make 1,000 headshots
Make 5,000 headshots
Reach 5,000 kills
Reach 10,000 kills
Make 100 melee kills
Make 500 melee kills
Unlock all specializations for the Belgians
Unlock all specializations for the Doughboys
Unlock all specializations for the Marines
Unlock all specializations for the Pioniere
Unlock all specializations for the Schutzen
Unlock all specializations for the Highlanders
Pass the toilet paper to the scientist in need.
Perform surgical caffeine extraction from 20 machines.
Kill 10 Airborne Headcrabs using the Shotgun.
Kill 20 enemies with the Hivehand.
Ruin the microwave casserole.
Kill an Assassin with the .357 Magnum.
Kill 10 enemies with a reprogrammed Sentry.
Conduct all of the questionable research experiments.
Kill 10 enemies with Snarks.
Headshot 20 enemies with the .357 magnum.
Drown in Lambda Core's coolant.
Kill a Headcrab using fire.
Kill a Marine with their own grenade.
Kill 5 enemies with one grenade.
Kill an Icthyosaur with either the Tau or Gluon.
Use the alternate path in Office Complex.
Use an entire clip of Gluon ammo in one continuous shot.
Get overtaken by a Headcrab's ample anterior.
Interfere with the alarm and laptop in Anomalous Materials.
Overcharge it anyway.
Send the Hidden Hat to Xen.
Kill a Barnacle with a Satchel.
Refuse to insert the specimen into the Anti-Mass Spectrometer.
Help the Barnacle and Headcrab find true love.
Get killed by your own Snarks.
Unlock all specializations for the ANZACs
Unlock all specializations for the Tirailleurs