Escape through the front door without activating the alarm
Go to sleep forever in a coffin
Escape on top of the van
Use Sister Philippa to run over Sister Madeline
Find the secret bunker
Escape hidden in the van
Play golf on the roof with Sister Madeline, but let her hit your head instead of a ball
End up as barbecue meat in Sister Madeline's ritual
Punished to work forever in the laundry
Escape through the main door
Complete any escape in ghost mode
Reach the bridge
Behave like a proper respectful child and be good. Just as Madeline wants
Escape in less than 5 minutes
Complete the pink room minigame
Trick Sister Madeline into performing a satanic ritual
Use the dangerous doll and finish the puzzle
Retrieve the rat's treasure
Complete the underground maze challenge
Escape through the main door without being seen even once
Discover what is in the Laundry and its secrets
Solve the mistery in the cemetery
Craft a hot air balloon and rescue the lost children
Craft a hot air balloon and rescue the lost children in Extreme mode
Blow up Sister Madeline with the help of an item
Knockout Philippa in any possible way
Escape through the main door in the first day in difficult or extreme mode
Complete the first level behind the door of memories
Complete the second level behind the door of memories
Burn Sister Madeline's habit
Score nine points in Extreme mode from the center of the basketball court
Score from the center of the basketball court
Escape through the main door in Extreme mode
Escape in the van without being seen
Escape in the van in the first day in difficult or extreme mode
Escape in Extreme Mode in the van