Completed level 1 of all challenges with a single character
Killed a Chubby
Redeemed 25 tokens
Remained in Zero's Deception mode for ten seconds straight
Unlocked 10 customization items
Revived someone from "Fight for Your Life!" that is on your friends list
Purchased 5 items from the black market
Completed all side missions
Slew Mister Boney Pants Guy
Introduced thyself to the White Knight
Reached level 5
Completed thy quest by rescuing yonder queen
Fed thy noble queen 3 times during one visit to her quarters
Showed thine worst enemy, the abomination known as "The Darkness", who is the nerdiest of them all
Unsheathed 5 swords from Immortal Skeletaurs without leaving the area
Won the most challenging round in Murderlin's Temple
Wielded the Mysterious Amulet
Demonstrated your skill, or lack thereof, at rolling the magical treasure orb of many sides
Vanquished the Ancient Dragons of Destruction
Killed 100 enemies with Deathtrap
Killed 100 enemies while using Buzzaxe Rampage
Reached level 10
Used the Lootapult to cause a Lootsplosion
Reached level 25
Reached level 35
Had Purple-rated gear or better equipped in every slot
Killed 100 enemies with the Sabre turret
Phaselocked 100 enemies
Gunzerked continuously for 90 seconds