Catch 250 items
Deliver every type of meal in Carnival of Chaos
Get 3 stars on every level in Carnival of Chaos World 2
Get 3 stars on every level in Carnival of Chaos World 1
Get 3 stars on all Campfire Cook Off levels
Get 3 stars on every level in Campfire Cook Off World 3
Get 3 stars on every level in Campfire Cook Off World 2
Deliver every type of meal in Campfire Cook Off
Get 3 stars on every level in Campfire Cook Off World 1
Get 3 stars on all Surf 'n' Turf levels
Get 3 stars on every level in Surf 'n' Turf World 3
Throw 100 ingredients into a cooking pot
Deliver every type of meal in Surf 'n' Turf
Get 3 stars on every level in Surf 'n' Turf World 2
Get 3 stars on every level in Surf 'n' Turf World 1
Wash 300 plates
Get 3 stars on all hidden levels
Unlock all the chefs
Chop 800 items
Deliver every type of meal in the game
Complete the main story campaign
Get 3 stars on every level in World 6
Deliver 1000 Meals
Throw 500 items
Hit all the switches on the world map
Get 3 stars on every level in World 5
Go through portals 75 times
Get 3 stars on every level in World 4
Get 3 stars on every level in World 3
Get 3 stars on every level in World 2
Extinguish a burning kitchen
Get 3 stars on every level in World 1
Use every emote
Complete the tutorial level
Complete a level by doing all the recipes in order
Win 10 games in versus mode
Finish 15 party games
Finish 15 versus games
Put 99 items in the bin
Wash 150 dirty plates or glasses with the water gun
Use the Bellows on BBQs 500 times
Burn 300 pieces of wood
Take 500 items from backpacks
Survive all horde stages in Night of the Hangry Horde with full kitchen health
Get 3 stars on all Night of the Hangry Horde levels with a star rating
Get 3 stars on every level in Night of the Hangry Horde World 1
Get 3 stars on every level in Night of the Hangry Horde World 2
Get 3 stars on every level in Night of the Hangry Horde World 3
Burn 300 buckets of coal in the furnace
Chop 500 ingredients using the guillotine
Get 3 stars on all Carnival of Chaos levels
Get 3 stars on every level in Carnival of Chaos World 3
Fire a Chef from a Cannon 100 times
Add mustard or ketchup to a recipe 100 times