Gain 20 Followers.
Defeat all opponents in Knucklebones.
Find all 5 locations.
Fully Upgrade Cult.
Unlock all weapons.
Unlock all curses.
Sacrifice a Follower.
Unlock all sermon upgrades.
Gain 10 Followers.
Have 666 gold coins.
Unlock a new fleece.
Catch 1 of every fish.
Take confession.
Reignite the lighthouse.
Salvation awaits the fallen soul.
Win a game of Knucklebones.
A new world awaits.
Gain 5 Followers.
Let the Word be known.
Defeat first mini-boss.
The first devotee to the Cult of the Lamb.
A deal that cannot be undone.
Unlock all Follower Skins.
Unlock all tarot cards.
Sacrifice 20 Followers.
Unlock all fleeces.
No longer a servant no less than a God.
Collect all Relics.
Get your Gold back from Midas.
Complete a row in Purgatory.