Unlock a card for each of ten different decks
Win a campaign duel with an opponent's library empty
Win a duel controlling at least twenty creatures
Win a duel controlling at least ten creatures
Defeat an encounter
Win a duel when an opponent controls no creatures
Win a campaign duel with 20 or more life
Win a duel controlling a creature with at least 10 power
Defeat Talrand in the campaign
Cast a mythic rare card
Enter the deck manager
Solve a challenge
Win a 3-player, 4-player, or Two-Headed Giant duel
Win a Two-Headed Giant duel
Win a Planechase campaign duel
Win a duel on Xbox LIVE
Unlock 30 cards for one deck
Solve the Say Your Praetors challenge in all five ways
Defeat Nicol Bolas in the revenge campaign
Defeat ten encounters
Solve ten challenges
Defeat the Sepulchral Strength deck in the revenge campaign
Win a duel controlling at least five Auras
Win a duel with exactly 1 life
Win a duel on Xbox LIVE using an Expansion deck