If only you knew... (100 Falls)
You have much to learn... (1000 Jumps)
Reach the top.
Complete the game within 1 hour.
Complete the game within 15 minutes.
You seem to dislike birds?
Complete the game without falling.
Only the finest for a King.
Be happy you have a helmet. (1000 Falls)
Complete New Babe+.
Complete New Babe+ without falling.
Complete Ghost of the Babe.
Complete Ghost of the Babe with only 2 falls.
You are a seasoned jumper. (10,000 Jumps)
Become initiated amongst the forest scholars.
Many thanks, brother!
Find the 9th cat.
Complete Ghost of the Babe within 1 hour.
Complete Ghost of the Babe within 30 minutes.
My lord is a true veteran in the art of jumping! (20,000 Jumps)