Ouch, that's sharp
All for one
I like my drinks lukewarm
Achieve all Daily Tidy badge ranks
Complete 75 Daily Tidy's
Complete 50 Daily Tidy's
Complete 30 Daily Tidy's
Complete 30 consecutive Daily Tidy's
Complete 7 consecutive Daily Tidy's
Complete 14 consecutive Daily Tidy's
Complete 14 Daily Tidy's
Complete 7 Daily Tidy's
Complete the game without taking any hints (Requires clean playthrough)
Finish the campaign without skipping a single level (Requires clean playthrough)
All you can eat
That's one epic stack
Complete the Cupboard and Drawers DLC
Find all solutions in the Cupboards and Drawers DLC (100% Completion)
Be proud of your accomplishments
Quick like a cat
Purr-fect rhythm
Sit with the cat for a while
Where are your manners ?
Looks like we're missing a colour?
A blast to the past
Every cap has a new owner, but no two owners traded their caps
Bat every name (first or last) and job title in the credits
Chapter 5 100% Completion
Find all solutions in A Little to the Left (100% Completion)
Complete Chapter 5
Complete the campaign
Complete the tower continuing the starting colour sequence
Complete the tower by using every available spot
Chapter 4 100% Completion
Complete Chapter 4
Balance the carton in minimum number of moves
Complete 3 Daily Tidy's
Tidy 1000 Items
What a mess
Chapter 3 100% Completion
Complete Chapter 3
Complete Chapter 2
Chapter 2 100% Completion
Tidy 500 Items
We'll worry about these bits later
Reveal 10 hints
Chapter 1 100% Completion
Complete Chapter 1
Having a ball with a ball inside a ball
Skip 10 levels with "Let it Be"
Tidy 250 Items
Skip a level with "Let It Be"
Solve a puzzle three ways
Solve a puzzle multiple ways
Complete your first Daily Tidy
Tidy 100 Items
Fully reveal a hint
Take a hint
Complete the Seeing Stars DLC main campaign
Complete the bonus finale in the Seeing Stars DLC
Find all 100 solutions in the Seeing Stars DLC (100% Completion)
Introducing our newest flavour
I'll go left, you go right
Solve the Music Box with the Counter set to the hidden number
That doesn't look like anything