Attained renown rank D.
Vanquished a four-member unit in just one battle.
Vanquished a three-member unit in just one battle.
All achievements unlocked.
Completed 30 quests.
Completed 60 quests.
Completed 90 quests.
Completed 120 quests.
Completed 150 quests.
Vanquished a five-member unit in just one battle.
Dealt 100 or more damage with a single attack.
Promoted any character to their advanced class.
Reached Lv. 50 with any character.
Built maximum rapport between any two characters.
Restored all towns of Fevrith.
Ate ten meals in taverns.
Increase a unit's maximum size to five members.
Unlocked all available unit slots.
Obtained 100 archive entries.
Obtained 250 archive entries.
Obtained 400 archive entries.
Registered all classes in the Class Registry.
Traversed over 30% of the world map.
Traversed over 60% of the world map.
Traversed 100% of the world map.
Followed maps to find five hidden treasures.
Followed maps to find ten hidden treasures.
Followed maps to find 20 hidden treasures.
Attained renown rank C.
Attained renown rank B.
Attained renown rank A.
Attained renown rank S.