Generate a total of 20 Hype through pre-match smack talk
Fill every equipment slot on one character
Spend 50,000 Slambucks
Steal 10 Rare Items
Get 50 Rare Drops
Defeat 5 enemies with one maneuver
Heal a total of 5,000 HP
Perform 25 Tag Team Gimmicks
Get 10 critical hits
Get 20 critical hits
Open every treasure chest
Perform 5 Triple Tag Team Gimmicks
Nail 50 button prompts during combat
Nail 200 button prompts during combat
Let an enemy kick out twice before pinning them on the third attempt
Pin 10 different enemies
Win 100 battles
Craft 1 Item
Craft 15 Items
Steal 10 Items
Steal 25 Items
Generate Hype with every Hype Type variant
Find 10 Walk On customization options
Find 30 Walk On customization options
Find all of the Walk On customization options
Find all of Vanetta's transformations
Use a Wrestler Summon
Collect 1 piece of legendary Wrestler gear
Get 1 legendary Wrestlers as a manager
Get all legendary Wrestlers as managers
Do a Tag Team Gimmick with every combination of characters
Perform all Triple Team Gimmicks
Break 200 breakable objects
Talk to 65 different NPCs
Use manager gimmicks 10 times