Win a game with the scenario "Boom"
Die on a red border
Win a game with the minimum ennemies max
Win a game on the map "Campus"
Lose a game in the map "Crowded"
Play with 32 AI
Die for the first time
Win a game in the map "Escapiste"
Play a game with no AI and no friends
Win a game in the map "Fort"
Win a game with force explosion at 10
Go into the option menu
Win a game with speed player, explosion force and skill recharge rate at minimum
Lose a game in the map "Twins"
Win a game with the scenario "Normal"
Change some options
Win a game with the scenario "Pixel Madness"
Use all your power bar
Hide in a shield
Win a game on the map "Wheel"
Win a game with the shield spawn speed and life time at maximum
Win a game with skill recharger at 10
Win a game with the scenario "Simple"
Win a game with player speed at 100
Win a game with the scenario "Keep Moving"
Win a game on the map "On the go"
Win a game with timer set to 300
Win against only one AI
Win a game with player speed at 10
Win your first game
Win a game with the scenario "Wave of patience"