Win 50 matches.
Find and ring the bell on Hünavatn Lake.
Appear 20 times on the end match podium.
Consume a level 6 Bounty in Carnage.
Eliminate 100 enemies.
Win 10 matches as a Windguard.
Eliminate 50 enemies.
Win 10 matches as a Phantom.
Win 5 Spoils of War matches.
Win 10 matches.
Reach level 20.
Win 5 Carnage matches.
In Spoils of War, stash a single load of 400 gold coins.
Complete a match without dying.
In Spoils of War, stash a single load of 200 gold coins.
Smash your dragon into a wall and die.
Be showcased before a match.
Finish the tutorial.
In Gates of Fire, pass all gates in one try.
Eliminate 5 enemies with the Drakepiercer.
Hatch 5 eggs.
Win 10 matches as a Marauder.
Win 100 matches.
Be ranked.
Win a match while in a squad.
Go Berserk 5 times.
Eliminate 5 enemies while being Berserk.
Equip a character with 3 Epic or Legendary items.
Win 5 Gates of Fire matches.
Eliminate 200 enemies.
Reach level 50.
Reach level 100.
Make the enemy coffers explode using the Vault-Breacher.