Visit all mines within 60 days
Take a loss on 3 transactions conducted in 3 different locations visited in a row
Complete 50 quests
Complete 100 quests
Collect 1 000 000 trigons
Become an owner of 3 operating mines
Become an owner of 3 operating vineries
Complete 50 transactions within 50 days
Within 50 days multiply your wealth twofold
Complete 3 transactions in all 3 regions within 25 days
Collect 50 diamonds
Collect 10 000 trigons
Visit all the sea ports within 80 days
Travel with the airship 10 times in a row
Buy 100 cards in the shrines
Retain maximum luck for 25 days in a row
Retain minimal luck for 25 days in a row
Buy and sell each of the available goods at least once
Visit all the locations
Collect 16 different items
Obtain the highest rank in the Dark Council - the golden chain
Kill your first monster