Hatched a pet from a monster egg for the first time.
Read the first entry in Li'l Cactus's diary.
Placed the "Mailbox" artifact on the world map.
Read every entry in Li'l Cactus's diary.
Saw the game's ending after completing 67 events.
Learned every Ability.
Learned every Special Technique.
Caught an Elemental Spirit for the first time.
Made an instrument for the first time.
Made a weapon for the first time.
Made a piece of armor for the first time.
Raised an item of produce in an orchard for the first time.
Raised every type of produce.
Stepped on 32 or more crabs in the crab bashing mini game.
Reached level 10.
Reached level 30.
Reached level 50.
Reached level 99.
Created a golem for the first time.
Held over 10,000 lucre at one time.
Held over 100,000 lucre at one time.
Completed every entry in the encyclopedia.