Defeated twenty enemies in a single Wanzer without disembarking.
Discarded all weapons on a Wanzer and used only its bare hands to defeat an enemy Wanzer.
Disabled four enemy drones simultaneously with one EMP grenade or EX EMP grenade.
Accumulated the maximum amount of ammunition for five firearm types.
Set five or more enemy soldiers on fire simultaneously.
Finished Chapter 1.
Finished Chapter 10.
Finished Chapter 11.
Finished Chapter 12.
Finished Chapter 13.
Finished Chapter 14.
Finished Chapter 2.
Finished Chapter 3.
Finished Chapter 4.
Finished Chapter 5.
Finished Chapter 6.
Finished Chapter 7.
Finished Chapter 8.
Finished Chapter 9.
Acquired all three types of backpacks for each protagonist.
Collected all database information, excluding TUTORIALS and COLLABORATION.
Crafted a gadget.
Defeated one hundred enemies using offensive gadgets.
Made fifty enemy soldiers bleed to death.
Defeated fifty enemies using either a metal pipe, shovel, sledge hammer, or crowbar.
Defeated an enemy Wanzer.
Defeated ten enemy Wanzers on foot.
Defeated an enemy Wanzer on foot.
Finished the game for the first time.
Finished the game on Advanced difficulty.
Obtained the best ending for all three protagonists.
Finished the game on Hopeless difficulty.
Obtained the worst ending for all three protagonists.
Guided a survivor to an evacuation shelter for the first time.
Rescued ten survivors.
Rescued twenty survivors.
Rescued all of the survivors.
Completed a close-quarters combo on a staggered enemy mech when piloting a Wanzer.
Hit ten enemies with melee attacks from behind.
Unlocked all achievements.
Put out a fire on yourself with an extinguisher.
Piloted a normally functioning Wanzer for the first time.
Stopped the massacre of civilians.
Possessed at least one handgun, assault rifle, shotgun, submachine gun, and magnum at the same time.
Used every gadget at least once with any protagonist.
Used either a metal pipe, shovel, sledge hammer, or crowbar to finish off an enemy Wanzer.