Reached character level 5
Reached character level 10
Reached character level 20
Reached character level 30
Reached character level 35
Reached level 5 in a weapon skill
Reached level 20 in a weapon skill
Specialized in swords
Specialized in axes
Specialized in bludgeons
Specialized in piercing weapons
Learned Power Strike and Warcry
Learned Haste and Flash
Learned Regeneration and Health Boost
Used a magic stone on an item
Used 40 magic stones on items
Used 125 magic stones on items
Crafted a masterpiece
Found your first unique item
Found 15 unique items
Found 50 unique items
Fully equipped with unique items
Accumulated 50,000 gold
Accumulated 500,000 gold
Opened 5 treasure chests
Opened 50 treasure chests
Opened 150 treasure chests
Killed 3 monsters with one blow
Killed 6 monsters with one blow
Summoned your first ally
Summoned 35 allies
Summoned an Efreet
Killed 50 monsters
Killed 350 monsters
Killed 1750 monsters
Killed 5000 monsters
Killed the Scarab Uber Queen
Killed the Ogre in realm Babatula
Dealt 10,000 points of damage
Dealt 125,000 points of damage
Dealt 1,000,000 points of damage
Took 3,500 points of damage without dying
Took 35,000 points of damage without dying
Took 250,000 points of damage without dying
Completed your first quest
Completed realm Babatula
Completed realm Scarabian Desert
Completed the Chaos Realm
Blew out 100 torches
Found the Swimmer's Paradise
Walked 42,195 tiles
Touched 100 obelisks
Completed realm Babatula in Hardcore mode
Completed realm Scarabian Desert in Hardcore mode
Completed the Chaos Realm in Hardcore mode
Killed the Scarab Uber Queen in Hardcore mode