Complete Pet of Tomorrow (Single Player Story)
Complete Pet of Tomorrow (Co-Op Story)
Complete Teleporter (Single Player Story)
Complete Teleporter (Co-Op Story)
Complete Sidewalk of Tomorrow (Single Player Story)
Complete Sidewalk of Tomorrow (Co-Op Story)
Complete Holo-Suit (Single Player Story)
Complete Holo-Suit (Co-Op Story)
Complete Hydrator (Single Player Story)
Complete Hydrator (Co-Op Story)
Complete City of Tomorrow (Single Player Story)
Complete City of Tomorrow (Co-Op Story)
Earn GOLD for all Levels (Single Player Story)
Earn GOLD for all Levels (Co-Op Story)
Win a VERSUS BATTLE by Infection Domination
Get an Energy Chain of 5 Energy Pellets
Get an Energy Chain of 10 Energy Pellets
Get a Energy Chain of 20 Energy Pellets
Collect more energy than the HUD capsules can contain (Single or Co-Op Story)
Beat Level 3.04 WITHOUT Stealing Energy (Single or Co-Op Story)
Beat Level 4.05 WITHOUT Stealing Energy (Single or Co-Op Story)
Beat Level 6.05 WITHOUT Stealing Energy (Single Player Story)
Beat Level 2.05 WITHOUT Dropping Any Glitches (Single or Co-Op Story)
Infect all levels, leaving none skipped (Single Player Story)
Infect all levels, leaving none skipped (Co-Op Story)
Beat Level 6.10 Without Dying (Single or Co-Op Story)
Score higher than the Devs on any Single Player level 3.01 or higher ("Tim" and "Jeremy" BAKED IN Scores)
Steal Energy off the BACK of a Chasing Drone (BLUE Drone)
WIN a Co-Op Game with THREE Keyboard Players, level 3.01 or higher
Get a player to the opposite side of a Blue Barrier (Co-op Story)
Get ALL players to the opposite side of a Blue Barrier (Co-op Story)
Get TWO Energy Pellets Orbiting TOM at the Same Time
Get THREE Energy Pellets Orbiting TOM at the Same Time
Die BEFORE Reaching the Board (Moving from a Spawn Point to the Game)
Destroy ALL Drones on Level 3.06, Board must be completely drone free (Co-op Story)
In VERSUS, Drop a COMBINED Total of 1,000 Glitch Bombs (2+ Players)
In VERSUS, Destroy a COMBINED Total of 80 TOMs (4 Players)
In VERSUS, NO Deaths for 1 Player and a COMBINED Total of 25 Deaths for the Others (3+ Players)
In VERSUS, Steal a COMBINED Total of 500 Tiles (4 Players)
In VERSUS, All Players Die at the Same Time (4 Players)
Get FOUR Energy Pellets Orbiting TOM at the Same Time
Rotate a Tile on the other side of a Barrier (Co-op Story)
Get your teammate killed by blocking their escape route (Co-Op Story)
Score higher than the Devs on any Co-Op level 3.01 or higher ("Misfits Attic" BAKED IN Scores)
Hints at