Kill 20 enemies using Slashing Damage in a single campaign
Deal the appropriate type of damage to an enemy with vulnerability
Kill 20 enemies using Piercing Damage in a single campaign
Kill an enemy during their turn
Create a Barbarian
Resurrect a fallen character
Take a critical hit without going down
Create a Paladin
Create a Wizard
Create a Ranger
Kill an enemy with a critical hit
Have an enemy fall to their death
Create a Fighter
Collect all trophies
Finish the Crown of the Magister Campaign with no character ever dying
Create a Warlock
Create a Bard
Have 20,000 gold in your inventory
Identify 20 magic items
Have one character attune to 3 magic items
Use the Poisoner's Kit 20 times
Use the Herbalism Kit 20 times
Use the Manacalon Rosary 20 times
Use the Scroll Kit 20 times
Unlock new information in the Bestiary 100 times
Complete the Aristocrat Background Quest
Complete the Philosopher Background Quest
Complete the Lowlife Background Quest
Complete the Acolyte Background Quest
Complete the Sellsword Background Quest
Complete the Academic Background Quest
Complete the Lawkeeper Background Quest
Complete the Spy Background Quest
Kill 20 enemies using Fire Damage in a single campaign
Kill 20 enemies using Ice Damage in a single campaign
Kill 20 enemies using Thunder Damage in a single campaign
Kill 20 enemies using Lightning Damage in a single campaign
Kill 20 enemies using Necrotic Damage in a single campaign
Kill 20 enemies using Radiant Damage in a single campaign
Kill 20 enemies using Acid Damage in a single campaign
Kill 20 enemies using Bludgeoning Damage in a single campaign
Kill 20 enemies using Force Damage in a single campaign
Kill 20 enemies using Poison Damage in a single campaign
Kill 20 enemies using Psychic Damage in a single campaign
Finish the Crown of the Magister Campaign on Iron Man Mode
Create a Rogue
Create a Cleric
Land 50 critical hits in a single campaign
Enter a custom dungeon
Create a Druid
Complete the Wanderer Background Quest
Create a multiplayer session
Create a Monk