You fully upgraded 3 weapons and 3 gadgets.
You developed all available gadgets.
You fully upgraded a University and all its defenses.
You completed Advanced Research on all Supernatural forces.
You played with each weapon and gadget with all possible upgrades.
You busted 100 Ghosts.
You harvested the DNA of 50 fallen Scientists.
You completed 1000 Scientist Turns.
You destroyed 5 Supernaturals with a single Portal Plug detonation.
You revived 2 Scientists in a single turn.
You violated enemy territory with 5 Aggressive Probes.
You completed the first Research and Destroy map we liked enough to keep.
You defeated a Troll while defending a University.
You sent the Twiggerman on an exo-dimensional journey into the unknown.
You named your Scientists after us. That's not creepy at all.
You banished a Relic with a Kinetic Bubble.
You Solo Boosted 13 Ghosts.
You supercharged a field of Bosons.
You healed Scientists with 1000 Quantum units.
You blocked 25 attacks with the Kinetic Bubble Shield.
You got 100 headshots with the Laserizer.
You defeated 5 different Supernatural types using the Hard Light Projector.
You destroyed 10 Supernaturals with Tesserocket Mines.
You flew for 2 minutes using the Plasmathrower.
You teleported 3 Scientists through a single Rift from the Riftinator.
You discovered how to launch while in mid-air.
You made even the Boogeyman dance.
You completed 5 missions wearing the E.E.Golander.
You swapped with a Scientist and a Supernatural in a single turn using the Transpositron.
You used a Scientist for 20 seconds in a single turn with the help of the Time Bomb.
You got a headshot kill while riding the Max Plank.
You completed a mission with a team of possibly 4 Scientists.
You bounced 5 Supernaturals in a single turn with the Propellor.
You trapped 4 or more unique Supernaturals in a single turn with the Gravity Distorter.
Let him that hath understanding count the number of beasts, but make it at least 666, ok?