Revive teammates 50 times
Create a contestant
Play 10 rounds with a Medium Build
Get 300 eliminations with Ranged Weapons
Eliminate an opponent trying to steal your cashout, 10 times
Play 3 Tournament rounds
Eliminate an opponent while they are carrying a cash box, 5 times
Deal 1,000,000 damage to arenas
Play 10 rounds with a Light Build
Play 10 rounds in a Party
Obtain a total of 100,000 cash
Get a headshot elimination with the last bullet in the magazine of your primary weapon
Insert a cash box into a cashout station
Revive a teammate
Finish in first place, 3 times in a row
Play 3 rounds of Quick Cash
Complete the Tutorial
Get 150 eliminations with Melee Weapons
Get 150 eliminations with Gadgets
Block a total of 25,000 damage
Heal teammates for a total of 25,000 health
Win 150 rounds with a Light Build
Win 150 rounds with a Medium Build
Win 150 rounds with a Heavy Build
Obtain a total of 50,000,000 cash
Win the final round in Tournament or Ranked Tournament
Start a cashout with less than 10 seconds remaining in the match
Steal a cashout with less than 10 seconds remaining in the match
Eliminate an opponent while you are riding a Zipline, 10 times
Eliminate an opponent while you are on fire, 5 times in a single round
Win a round in any mode without being eliminated
Eliminate an opponent by bouncing a grenade on a Jump Pad
Hit an opponent in the head with an explosive carriable
Hit opponents with 3 different carriables within 15 seconds
Eliminate an opponent with a headshot while you are sliding
Eliminate 3 opponents with 3 different items or carriables within 10 seconds
Eliminate 3 opponents with a Melee Weapon within 10 seconds
Eliminate 25 enemies with fire
Eliminate 25 enemies with gas
Eliminate a player with a flowerpot
Eliminate an opponent with a cash box
Throw a cash box into a cashout station from 20 meters away
Start a cashout within 15 seconds after opening a vault
Play 10 rounds with a Heavy Build