Unlock all Trophies
Activate all checkpoints in one run
Reach 2300 meters
Find and touch the inflatable lips
Find and jump on the white chess Queen piece
Jump on the inflatable item from 1888 meters
Activate 15 Checkpoints in one run
Reach 1677 meters
Dance at the pool party at 285 meters
Reach 1300 meters
Reach 1180 meters
Perform a slide while running
Fall from the finish platform to the ground in one jump
Reach 999 meters
Activate 10 Checkpoints in one run
Reach 750 meters
Reach 700 meters
Activate 7 Checkpoints in one run
Reach 600 meters
Activate 5 Checkpoints in one run
Use any emote for the first time
Activate 3 Checkpoints in one run
Visit the helicopter located at 180 meters to find a surprise
Use the Hip Hop dance emote on the finish platform
Reach 150 meters
Activate your first Checkpoint
Reach 60 meters
Jump on a bouncy object for the first time
Cross the start gate
Reach the finish platform
Reach the Final Sector
Activate 20 Checkpoints in one run
Climb the giant mushroom tower
Reach 3000 meters
Reach 2675 meters