Find a Relic
Kill three enemies with one grenade
Kill two enemies with one grenade
Execute a chimney jump of at least 2 wall kicks
Swan dive from the top of the cliffs of Thailand
Execute ten Adrenaline Attack headshots
Execute an Adrenaline Attack headshot on an enemy
Find 10 Treasures
Complete the Prologue
Earn all the Trophies in Tomb Raider: Underworld
Swan dive from the top of the Kraken Room
Swan dive from the top of Amanda's Ship
Earn all three Swan Diver trophies
Execute a chimney jump of at least 4 wall kicks
Drive into Xibalba in under 45 seconds
Drive from the top of Valgrind to the bottom in under 50 seconds
Drive through the Valhalla Maze in under 40 seconds
Beat all three Speed Demon challenges
Complete the game on hardest possible settings
Kill an enemy by running over it with the motorcycle
Kill five enemies by running over them with the motorcycle
Find 50 Treasures
Find 100 Treasures
Find all 179 Treasures
Find 3 Relics
Find all 6 Relics