Sunk all of your opponent's ships in Salvo within 4 turns
Totalled 3 hours of play time
Sunk a ship longer than 3 units without missing in Battleship
Won one game of Sorry! Sliders
Won a game of Connect 4 using all of the Power Chip types at least once
Scored a hit on your first turn
Sunk your opponent's destroyer before any other ship
Won a game of Boggle
Customised the Family Game Room
Won 50 games of Connect 4
Won a total of 10 games of Connect 4
Finished a game with a draw by filling the whole board
Awarded all trophies
Won 20 games of Battleship
Finished a game using only 5-letter words
Won 10 games of Boggle with Portal Cubes turned on
Spelled an 8-letter word in Boggle
Won 50 multiplayer games of Boggle
Won 4 single player rounds of Connect 4 in a row!
Won one game of Sorry!
Won a game of Sorry! after moving one pawn from each team back to the start zone
Moved 2 pawns from every opposing team back to the start in one game
Won a total of 5 games of Sorry!
Used all the Sorry! Bonus cards in one game
Won at Sorry! Sliders in under 5 minutes
Used the Ice Pawn 10 times
Won 20 games of Sorry! Sliders
Played Sorry! Sliders for over an hour
Played any game online
Won all the trophies for Connect 4, Boggle, Battleship, Sorry! and Sorry! Sliders