Unlock all trophies
Make the decision to return to Earth.
Wake up to Shi-er-ah poking Ethan's face.
Safely return to the ship with Nova and Wayne.
Teach Shi-er-ah basic human words.
Make first contact with an intelligent alien species.
Establish communication with Shi-er-ah, the dryad leader.
Rescue Nova and Wayne from the dryads.
Encounter humanoid creatures with pink skin, the dryads.
Experience an emotional connection with Luna.
Discover luminescent plants during the night on planet Spes.
Name the unique plant-animal species as Fuplasianima.
Conduct the first night expedition on planet Spes.
Form exploration teams to gather data on the planet.
Discover plant life with animal-like characteristics.
Analyze the life forms on planet Spes.
Remove spacesuits and breathe the fresh air of planet Spes.
Analyze the atmosphere of planet Spes.
Begin the detailed study of the plants on planet Spes.
Discover the unique purple flora of planet Spes.
Begin the scientific exploration of the planet Spes.
Successfully land on planet Spes.
Learn about the gravity and environmental conditions of planet
Record and send the first report via delivery drones.
Address and repair the worn-out ship parts.
Discover that the warp jump lasted 201 days.
Save the crew members' lives after the warp jump.
Administer first aid to Luna and other team members.
Handle a critical situation during the warp jump.
Acknowledge the crew as Ethan's new family.
Celebrate the team's one-year anniversary in space.
Prepare for the first warp jump in human history.
Announce the last broadcast before losing contact with Earth.
Mark one year since the start of Operation Novae Terrae.
Wish everyone a happy new year during the broadcast.
Begin the first broadcast from Captain Ethan Aster.