Defeat the first boss.
Rescue your partner and complete the game.
Rescue one prisoner.
Rescue 10 prisoners.
Rescue 100 prisoners.
Defeat the bear using nothing but melee attacks.
Survive an ambush.
Unlock a locked crate.
Kill more than 5 enemies with one dynamite.
Kill all enemies in a level.
Find yourself a companion.
Have 5 or more companions follow you at once.
Kill 1.000 enemies in total.
Reach your partner without being spotted by any enemies outside of boss fights or ambushes.
Revive a companion or player.
Kill more than one enemy with a single projectile.
Kill more than 500 enemies in a single run.
Kill the first boss only using pistol-ammo weapons and without any upgrades.
Reach the second area without having taken any damage.
Kill all enemies in a level using only throwable weapons.
Start a Loop Run.
Rescue your partner with all 4 base characters.
Take out 15 enemies in a row with melee stealth kills without being spotted.
Rescue your partner without having any upgrades applied.
Defeat the bear without using any dodge rolls.
Rescue your partner without ever using a melee attack.
Reach the bandit boss in under 20 minutes.
Have 7 additional hearts.
Finish a Loop Run.