You finished chapter one
Let the mushroom fart ten times
Drop the Noiseball
Prime the bomb
Fix the bomb without letting go
Pull the world worm's tooth
Trigger the same game over sequence twice in a row
Fall in all balance checks or fall in the same check 3 times
Play with the shadows
Kick everything possible
Listen to Kyra
Place candles everywhere possible
Sneeze over the candle
Get to the gate in 8 steps
Spot licked everything
Let Renie and Noah both pop the bubble
Find all bugs
Spot plunges everywhere
Find all possible Spot interactions
Finish the game without using the snoopkey
Finish the game without skipping a text
Finish the game without dying
You finished chapter three
Dive through the clouds
Use the magic boxes to change into all available Spot forms
Grab 10 gold from the well
Discover every possible Spot form
Balance without falling down
Let Sadwick die every time it´s possible
You finished chapter two
Completed the prayer mill story with the life wheel
Completed the prayer mill story with the dream wheel
Completed the prayer mill story with the death wheel
Let Spot fly
Hit Kyra
Look into the abyss
Burn the swamp
Taste the everything in the swamp
Let the fish get the berries 3 times.
Lick the mushrooms until you pass out
Don´t prime the bomb