Congratulations! You took your first trip on the local bus.
Crafted 250 items
Visited every location
Completed the Flower Museum
Completed the Fishing Museum
Completed the Food Museum
Gained all 5 hearts of an NPC
Gained 5 hearts of every NPC
Got caught by Agents 20 times
Ate food 50 times
Got Ramen from Dad's shop 10 days in a row
Collected 100 Flowers
Won 4 Night Market events
Won 8 Night Market events
Won 16 Night Market events
Fed a snow monkey on Mt. Fugu
You upgraded your house
Collected 250 Flowers
Squeezed 20 fish for dye
Pet island cats 100 times
Collected 250 hairballs
Made 100 sales at the Night Market
Crafted 100 items